For some reason, in the hospital, they always give you ice chips. Thirsty? Have some ice chips. Hungry? Crunch on some ice chips.
Comments Off on 05/28/2010
For some reason, in the hospital, they always give you ice chips. Thirsty? Have some ice chips. Hungry? Crunch on some ice chips.
“Business or personal?” was spoken by Bill Murray as Dr. Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters II when told to acquire a stool sample from baby Oscar.
Why a turkey baster? Look, I’m not going to explain it. I’m sure you can figure it out if you think about it for a few minutes and do some creative Googling.
I can’t speak for all men, obviously, but I would hope “hooking up” on the sly isn’t something most guys would brag about, admit, or even do.