Wesley Snipes once said in White Men Can’t Jump that “the sun shines even on a dog’s ass some days.” And Slick makes a good point once in awhile too.
The “Deaf Date” idea came to me in a fit of madness. Most people have been on blind dates at some point; most people have found them to be every bit as awkward and uncomfortable as the title implies. Now take it a step further and imagine going on a date with someone who could kill you in less than a second, and does nothing more than sit across from you staring in stony, uh, silence.
Great comic possibilities here. And yes, more surprises are afoot in the upcoming strips. Surprises always go afoot; they don’t have change for the tolls.
There’s nothing like thirty inches of sharpened steel poking you in your tummy to inspire a greater understanding of the ways of the Universe.
This is the first time we’ve seen Stonewall use his shapeshifting powers since the Giant Robot storyling and only the third time overall. Even so, Shellshock is the only character on the S-Team whose powers have only been seen once, at his audition. This is something I shall rectify in 2007.
Think it over for a minute. Shrink all over. Don’t worry; it doesn’t make him any less of a man. Well, maybe a little less. There I go, making short jokes as well. D’oh.