I think sushi makes a great first date meal. It’s intimate in the way you have to both huddle over the menu and the little trays of rolls. I also approve of the long time you have to sit and talk while waiting for your food. Plus you can show off your mad skilz with chopsticks (and everyone knows that guys with good chopstick skills are, well, good at eating sushi). And finally, if you have a critical failure on an eating roll, sushi doesn’t generally leave an unsightly stain on your clothes.
Douglas Adams of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy fame advanced a theory that if humans’ voices stop working, their brains start working. Silence, then, is a highly advanced individual simply by the fact that she shuts up and stays shutted up. And then on the other hand you have people like Stonewall (poor guy) whose brains just haven’t caught up to their mouths yet.
So many story ideas begin with the words “what if?”. In this case, it was “what if Silence can really talk?” and it went on from there. I’m barely keeping up with the comics right now after a very dry November, but I’ve got more in the pipeline already and hope to get back to six weeks ahead very soon.
Smaller font size/writing has always denoted whispering or speaking quietly in comics. I believe this is the first time I’ve made use of it in this strip. And of course, everyone should remember what happened when Sandstorm decided to change her costume…