This whole band thing is like a snowball rolling down a hill toward a village; you can just sense sooner or later it’s going to explode.
This strip was a last-minute addition to the plotline. Although in hindsight, really, it’s obvious that Science Guy would fall in love with Sandstorm. She spends more time with him than anyone else on the S-Team. Expect to see this become a much larger part of the S-Team storyline eventually. Nothing like a love triangle to make things interesting, because remember…she’s involved with Charlie (Silverstein’s assistant).
Nobody younger than Gen X or the Baby Boomers will likely understand this joke. Back in the ’80s, at the height of the Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev was the Premier of Russia, and he said in a speech about America that “We will bury you.”
He died. We’re still here. ‘Nuff said.
“Mark my words…” is one of my favorite non-threats. Anytime someone says that (which is rare, because nobody will take it seriously), it makes me laugh.
I didn’t notice that the ink on Shellshock’s face was starting to wear away for a few strips. It surprised me, because LEGO ink has generally been pretty hardy stuff. However, since I use a generic smile head for him, it was simple to grab another one from the stash.
Maybe he’s just starting to lose his cheerful grin.
That’s the whole thing about being a superhero…sure, there will be days you have to fight giant robots and alien invasions, but most of the time you don’t have much to do.