Presenting…the Chuckie Monster.
The Chuckie Monster was a real challenge to build. I wanted a “giant minifig” but with enough articulation that I could pose it. And I knew I wanted to use that green hairpiece. After fits and starts and an afternoon of experiments, I wound up with the creation you see here. He’s supposed to look kind of like the Hulk – even down to the frayed and ripped pants. And for all you clever types, I added friction to the hinges of the arm pieces by inserting small pieces of paper into them. It’s a technique I used for years before LEGO actually released a friction pin piece (which wouldn’t work in this application anyway). Expect to see more of the Chuckie Monster soon…
Subtlety, thy name is Science Guy. Nobody’d ever think something strange was going on here.
It’s important to realize that in the world of the S-Team, anything can have its own sound effect…even listening.