“I once got six hundred dollars for my scrap gold” is the tag line from a commercial played frequently on American television for a scam company that pays you “cash” for “unwanted” gold (meaning when you’re a senior citizen living on fixed income and tired of eating cat food, you can sell all your heirloom jewelry and dental fillings and other bling and the company will send you a check, probably for far below the market value of what you sent them. Yeah, you have to send it to them first and then they cut you a check). It’s targeted at senior citizens and I think it’s really distasteful.
It’s been quite awhile since I showed Silence teleporting, so I thought I’d share how I make that particular special effect. First I copy and isolate Silence so I can have her appear in front of/within the effect. The explosion is actually a clip art image of a flower called “red puff.” I isolate the flower, blur it, increase contrast and saturation, and run it through a filter called “crackle.” Then I perform the same alterations on the isolated Silence. The explosion goes over Silence’s original location, and then she goes on top of it.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers!
I use the “beat” panel often (a silent panel). This strip called for two of them in a row to better express the utter surprise/dismay/horror of Stretch and Stonewall. I don’t often let the S-Team characters act like they know they’re in a comic strip, but sometimes it makes for pretty good humor. And it’s always fun when someone calls someone else a chowderhead.
It’s been a little while – since Silence and Stonewall’s first date, I believe – since I poked any fun at the French. I figured I was overdue for another joke at their expense. I’d be worried about the backlash, but since they’ll surrender at the drop of a hat, I’ll just drop my hat and be on my way…