This strip is almost a direct tribute to one of the opening scenes from the classic movie Animal House, celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. The only thing missing is, uh, urine. And those two guys? One is me, back from my guest stint on The Brick House and still not back up to normal size. The other is none other than Chris Doyle, author of The Brick House. The last time I ordered figures from him via the Buy-Me Mizer, I ordered one of him too.
Little did he know…
Stretch has tended bar in this strip before – on Science Guy’s MiX-TBL party ship. I suspect most bartenders are lushes and moochers, although I can’t prove it…
“Oh no! What about the Druids?!” sounds like it could be a tagline from a sitcom to me. Whatever the case, if you’re here in America you’ve probably seen the commercials for the latest in druidic fashion: the Snuggie.
I don’t think very highly of political correctness. I celebrate Christmas with my family. If you celebrate something else, bully for you. I’m not offended when somebody says “Merry Christmas” to me, or “Happy Hanukkah”, or even “Blessed Be on the Winter Solstice.” It’s the thought that counts.