One of my better attributes as a sequential writer is my ability to create subplots. Here in this one strip I have introduced several: the first super-powered villain, who has history of some sort with Silence, and some interesting background about her (he calls her “Princess”, which implies she may be royalty of some sort. I’ve had a lot of fun working on this story arc and anticipate exploring it further this year.
In all my years of reading comics, I don’t believe I’ve ever read a story where a superhero goes on a date, in or out of costume, that didn’t somehow involve a supervillain and a dastardly plot.
Who’m I to shake up the status quote? And yes, this is the 4th time the words “crap in a hat” have been uttered, by four different characters: the Janitor, Sandstorm, Stonewall, and now Silence. Sooner or later I anticipate everyone saying it.
The “Whazzaaaaaaaap?” is a reference to Budweiser commercials from a few years ago. It doesn’t matter exactly who is calling Stonewall yet – odds are it’s either Slick or Stretch.
Here at The Adventures of the S-Team, we strive for top-tier, sophisticated humor. Phrases like “my back teeth are floating” are very unlikely to be seen. What? Oh, crap in a hat…