You stay in the superhero business long enough, nothing surprises you anymore. Obviously, Sandstorm has been around for awhile and has gotten jaded. Smokescreen makes an oblique reference to a couple things – first, that storylines tend to end on Fridays; second, that the team spends a lot more time talking about what to do than actually doing it. The reason for that is simple: dialogue is funny, and this is intended to be a funny strip. Action is fun, but unless slapstick, not quite as funny. And it also takes a lot longer to produce.
There’s nothing quite so funny as a good nut shot, especially if you’re not the recipient. Iron Butterfly had this one coming.
You may wonder why I don’t use a pre-printed background to save time instead of doing all the post-production work. The reason is simple: the camera flash will reflect off any background I use. The post-prod work makes for a much better appearance.
This is the first time I’ve used any motion lines in this strip. I’m thinking I’ll continue to do so for action sequences.
Once again, I have the characters referring to the joint limitations of minifigs.
This is a spoof of anime cartoons. In many “classic” animes (Dragonball Z for example), characters leap into the air, which is suddenly filled with speed lines, colorful patterns, or other non sequiturs, while screaming the name of the move they are about to lay on their opponent. This is mandatory, or else the move will not work. It tends to be a very impressive show and at the same time patently ridiculous.