Cross Circuits, the show BY robots FOR robots makes its return here once more. The previous interlude was after the Giant Robot storyline early on in the comic. Since then, I have redesigned Tom Servo and built a set I like much better, intended to give the impression of circuitry boards. The RCAT-1 robot was built with significant help from my oldest son, hence the credit to him. The 200-foot replica of Chef Mario Batali first appeared in the Brick House strip by Chris Doyle. I liked it so much I asked if he’d be interested in a crossover, which he was, so he took the pictures of the Batali bot used this week and emailed them to me.
This is the first time I’ve reused an entire strip. This series of images was used before in #115. It was a similar script as well – with Silverstein apologizing on behalf of the team for jokes in the previous storyline. I think these are funny, and will probably have more of them along these lines in the future.
“Bwahahahahaha” was a trademark from the comic book series Justice League International when it was written by Keith Giffen. The laugh was most often uttered by Blue Beetle and/or Booster Gold. The best moment was when Guy Gardner (the Green Lantern) got all up in Batman’s face and challenged him and Batman laid him out for the count with one punch.
I’ll probably recreate that moment at some point in the S-Team, but for the time being, feel free to poke more fun at Bald Headless Robot Slick. Everyone else is…
I felt that after the big boob jokes around strip #100, it was high time for some poking fun at the boys. Hence, we’ll be seeing some more bald jokes this week.