I have a good friend in Kentucky who I’m needling with this strip. And Slick’s right; this plotline is getting stranger and stranger, innit?
It honestly didn’t occur to me until I wrote this strip that the thing on top of Captain Blak’s head was his mouth. But once I had, I realized that I could make the kissing bit far more ludicrous than it would otherwise have been.
In case you’d forgotten, the fourth member of the mission already caught a bad case of meteoritis. It turned out to be fatal. But he was wearing a red shirt, so it was to be expected. Yelu seems to be very hopeful here.
The small size of LEGO minifigs precludes complex designs for alien life forms. Otherwise they quickly get too large and unwieldy. This particular alien is a VERY simple design – two pieces: legs and a sloped piece. The more discriminating reader will ask, where are its arms? My response: it doesn’t have any. Then how does it eat? they will ask. They don’t; they live for a few days then die of starvation.
I didn’t say they were masterpieces of evolution.