In the TV show Moonlighting, a similar verbal exchange led up to Maddie and David’s hook-up (and, consequently, the inevitable shark-jumping of the show). Don’t worry – the S-Team isn’t going to jump the shark here, but it’s always fun to get characters into, uh, sticky situations.
Roddy Piper is, of course, a famously bad actor and wrestler (which may be redundant). He “starred” in a movie called They Live where he delivered one of the most famous bad-ass lines of all time: “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum.”
You can’t buy attitude like that anymore.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is militarese for WTF. And if you don’t know what WTF stands for, you shouldn’t be on teh intarweb.
im in ur fridj eatin ur f00ds