One of the things about customized vehicles is how many things on them only exist to look cool. Coffee can exhaust tips. Useless spoilers. Pinstriping. Obviously, the sky-surfer anchors is taking things a little too far for Stonewall.
As this story arc progresses, I found it more and more difficult to take pictures without non-LEGO background leaking in. I was on a tight deadline so I didn’t do all the digital wizardry for background enhancement I might normally do.
As this story arc progresses, I found it more and more difficult to take pictures without non-LEGO background leaking in. I was on a tight deadline so I didn’t do all the digital wizardry for background enhancement I might normally do.
Who knew that Slick was such a ladies’ man? Yeah, it surprised me too. He needs to work on his lines though.
And if you’ve been following all along, you might recall he does actually like to read the thesaurus.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers!
Science Guy is probably one of those guys who has a poster somewhere in his office that says It’s hard to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys and a coffee mug that says You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps!
There’s a saying that goes, more or less, “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” And there is another which says “When you are a man, the world is your urinal.”
I synthesized those two phrases to come up with the basic theme for today’s strip. Really philosophical of me, huh?