They say if you can’t laugh at yourself, you can’t laugh at anything. Or something like that. Anyway, now is where we’ll find out what the characters in this comic really think about me, about the strip, and life in general as they valiantly struggle along without the benefit of anyone writing for them.
What you see in the background is the light box I received as a Christmas present. It comes with its own lighting, colored backgrounds, etc. Just the thing for an aspiring webcomic producer.
Oh, and as far as me being on strike goes? I guess the S-Team cast will have to come up with their own ways to entertain you. Stay tuned…
I’ve been telling myself for more than a year I need to open a store for AST merchandise. Unfortunately, I don’t believe I can legally use any of the characters or any LEGO elements in any images somewhere like, because although I own the rights to the S-Team, I don’t own the rights to sell merchandise featuring LEGO without express written permission from the LEGO Group. I don’t expect obtaining such information is really possible, either. Therefore, anything I would sell (hats, t-shirts, underwear) could only have legally-neutral images like the AST logo or text related to the comic itself (ie: “Crap in a hat.”).
Would things like that appeal to you, the readers?
Slick really believes this comic would be nowhere without him. He may be right, but you can’t let the characters think they’ve got the upper hand. Hence another appearance by my upper hand. Well, my left hand. Needed the right to snap the picture.
By the way…if you can’t get enough of the S-Team, they’re currently guest-starring in Chris Doyle’s Reasonably Clever webcomic.
The third panel in this is my homage of sorts to Japanese cinema and anime, where for emphasis sometimes a slender image of a character’s eyes will be framed above and below by thick bands of black.
In case you were wondering what happened with the contest (the contest was highlighted here and on the main comic page involving the telling of what really happened while Silence went back to her homeland), I am disappointed to report I did not receive a single entry. I’ll probably leave this portion of her story enshrouded in mystery for now.