“I smell a mystery” is a line right out of Scooby-Doo. And Turbo probably stepped in the Doo’s doo.
Anyway, Heather (the winner of the promote the S-Team contest) and her hearse Zivanka were very pleased with their appearance in the strip. She posted some early pictures I sent her of the Zivanka MOC in comparison with the REAL Zivy. You can see them on this post. If I get to it this weekend, I’ll post some other pictures of the MOC here.
I always thought those Holiday Inn Express commercials were clever. Stupid, yet clever.
Perfect for this webcomic.
You get to see more of Zivanka the Hearse here for the first time. I used some of the oldest pieces I own in her construction. The doors and 1×4 clear bricks are from a set which is more than 30 years old. I did my best to faithfully reproduce details like the landau bars and the vertical taillights (you can’t see those so well).
Heather asked who’s the hot paramedic working with her. Well, in the script, he’s “PARAMEDIC”, so I wouldn’t expect to see much from him.