How do you get two people onto a Cave Racer? I have no idea, so I cheated. You see Tyrant’s living room here – a set piece that hasn’t been seen in over a year. I can’t believe I still have it, actually. You also get your first look at LEGO Ian (albeit a bit dirty).
Hey, look everyone! It’s your Friendly Neighborhood Webcomic Author making another guest appearance in his own strip! I’m mentioning Tron here, because that’s where I got the idea for this part of the storyline. They did it much better though. They had Crays to work with. Of course…I have more computing power now than they did then. LOL
Tortoise’s war cry is the same as that of Thundarr the Barbarian.
This is a spoof of a climactic moment in Star Wars: A New Hope that I always remember with a smile. It’s when the rebels in the base on Yavin’s moon realize Luke has switched off his computer and ask if he’s all right. There’s a really short cut – only a second or two long – where two technicians look at each other as if to say “we are so screwed.”
“Trust the computer, the computer is your friend” is a tagline from a roleplaying game from the ’80s called Paranoia.
Of course, just because Tyrant isn’t dead now doesn’t mean he won’t be dead in the future. After all, everybody dies – some sooner than others. Poor Tortoise, though. He’s under enough pressure already as the de facto leader of the Legion of T in Tyrant’s absence.