For a guy who might need to defend his own life actions, Tyrant is really starting off on the wrong foot.
Comments Off on 09/15/2008
For a guy who might need to defend his own life actions, Tyrant is really starting off on the wrong foot.
In case you were wondering … it is Chris Doyle, who graciously allowed me to use him in this capacity.
Tyrant may be trying for some deep, dripping sarcasm, but the guy with the wings knows the truthiness of the situation.
Making a winged character has always presented a bit of a problem for me as I haven’t always had the parts I needed to do so. Fortunately I was able to work it out well enough for this strip. As far as the guy in the white suit goes, I decided against traditional white wings, because I wanted more of a neutral look. Is he an angel? Well, yes, kinda. Stay tuned, Faithful Readers.