Upon hindsight, I could have added a GLUG GLUG GLUG sound effect, but that would imply quaffing, which implies ale, and everyone knows that pregnant women should NEVER consume alcohol. [/public safety message]
Archive for October, 2009
Certain things, like pregnancy, you really can’t ignore and hope they go away. Obviously, Sandstorm is making a funny here. You may have noticed the dude in the background staring at the camera during these strips. He’s the guy who,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yes, that’s poor Dr. Heather buried up to her nose in sand. Apparently Sandstorm’s powers are a little wonky during her pregnancy (go figure).
Let’s face it; if you’re going to go to lunch with the Scarlet Swordsmistress, you’re going to talk about whatever she wants to talk about.
It’s amazing what can set off the cravings in a pregnant woman. I had to use glue to make Sandstorm’s belly pooch out. She’s in the mid-range of pregnancy; she will be bigger before she delivers. The Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The problem with maternity clothes, as any woman will tell you, is that they make you look pregnant. They’re like the opposite of fashionable.