Comics are full of family members at odds with each other. It appears that the Silversteins are no exception to that.
Archive for 35. A Force
NASA even designed a spacesuit once that allowed the astronaut to pull his arms inside and scratch an itch. Check it out!
If Tyrant had been reading along, he’d know that Robotic Silverstein got outed by The Scholar right before she delivered Slick to the alien spaceship.
Internet trolling is quite a phenomenon. This strip has been subject to it, just like anything else. Agent A’s trollface comes from the Wikipedia entry on internet trolling.
The Ubermann Hardsuit is another MOC series like the Cave Racer, which requires certain basic elements which can then be modified in many creative ways. Here’s a cool gallery. And the words “Windows 98”, “downloaded a torrent”, and “perfectly safe”[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To properly experience this strip, it should be read along with the accompanying music: (Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss, conducted by John Williams)
Android is, of course, the operating system used by many mobile devices, designed by a subsidiary of Google. Windows 98 is, of course, crap.