Calling a ninja’s outfit “kitschy” is probably not very bright. If you like the whole ninjas-versus-pirates thing, I recommend you go read Reasonably Clever: The Comic from the beginning.
Archive for The Adventures of the S-Team
There is a lot going on in this strip. First off, I refer to Real Ultimate Power, which is where I first learned the Truth About Ninjas. Second is the statement “I thought the internet was for porn,” which refers[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One of the more interesting things about stretchy characters in the comics (like Plastic Man or the Elongated Man) is that they’re always stretching something (and that sounds much dirtier than is intended). They’re always in motion, challenging their abilities,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I bet you’re surprised that Sandstorm doesn’t have her finger on the very pulse of fashion. After all, she wears the proverbial chain-mail bikini and a cape.
I first became aware of the long-standing rivalry between ninjas and pirates when I visited this site. Since then I’ve always known that ninjas are sweet and pirates suck.
You’ve probably heard the phrase (or something similar) “It was a face-off, then one of them blinked.” Scarlet Swordsmistress blinked, and I doubt anybody is surprised at that. The font I used for her effect is called, appropriately enough, Chick.
My original script was just Smokescreen and Sandstorm talking and it just wasn’t very funny. Then I remembered Silence’s relationship with Stonewall and who better to make fun of them than the team’s resident smart-ass Stretch?